The Reckoning - 2025 Spring Reading
Let’s start with a question.
Why bother with personal growth when it seems the world is spinning around the drain? Why learn about yourself, and fully engage the moment, and prepare for the future when the future seems hopeless?
Are you ready to give up? And what, exactly, would giving up entail?
As a student of A Course in Miracles, I understand what it means to confront a hopeless situation. And we certainly seem to be in one. Fortunately, hope is not going to move your life forward and it’s not going to help the world. What will help?
Commitment will. Courage will. Curiosity will. On some level, you are feeling a sense of responsibility to yourself: to not diminish the value what may be your one and only lifetime on this planet. If you have children, you feel a sense of responsibility to them — and for all young people.
But it’s not really about them. Who you are is always up to you.
Recent reviews for Eric’s Spring readings
“Wow, I am beside myself after reading my Cancer Sun & Capricorn Rising Pluto in a Strange Land readings! All of the timing and keywords you spoke of were spot on for me, especially the Community Trustee theme, as I fell into Chamber of Commerce responsibilities recently. Amazing insights and advice, thank you!”
— Lisa Moffa
“I just bought the Dharma Spring reading…Just Wow. My Cancer Sun and Rising reading is absolutely epic! This advice is priceless direction-finding, which I absolutely need right now. Thank you.”
— Amy
This was so spot on and insightful-gathering strength and courage for the journey ahead!
— Thomas Erdman