Sagittarius Astrology Studio 2024-25

Sagittarius is in an outstanding position to experience the forthcoming transit of Pluto in Aquarius. That will focus your power of ideas like nothing else ever has, and your ability to work your trade in a commercial context: to be good at selling what you create.

Yet the deepest breakthrough occurs in April, with the rare conjunction of your ruling planet Jupiter and revolutionary Uranus. If you have been working toward a personal, professional or creative breakthrough for a long time, this is likely to be it.


Recent reviews for Eric’s Sagittarius readings

“Just listened to Somewhere in Between for Sagittarius. Eric Francis has done it again! Delivering an intelligent well researched top notch reading. He is among the very best there is and I consider his readings an investment in living my best life. Invest in yourself and get Somewhere in Between and subscribe to Planet Waves. Eric Francis is a global treasure. Thank you Eric Francis and your entire team. Wishing you all a fantastic 2024.”

— Kathleen Sullivan

“Please relay my heartfelt thanks to Eric for the wonderfully articulate honesty I always hear in his recordings – my Sagittarius 21/22 reading is so right!”

— Jessica Nieman

“I cannot overstate how this information is so relevant for me. I haven’t gotten an astrology reading with this in depth info in a very, very long time.  Please tell Eric thank you and this explains everything I have been experiencing. Just blew me away. How fortuitous for me!!!!”

— Gwen