Gemini Astrology Studio 2024-25

Every 12 years, Jupiter arrives in your Sun or rising sign, granting you the ability to make progress in every aspect of your life. That begins in a moment.

Yet this year is special, because in addition to Jupiter, Sedna enters Gemini for the first time in more than 11,000 years. There's no precedent for this, though in a word, think: sensitivity. An almost telepathic ability to read your environment.

Together, they will teach you to keep your mind open and your thoughts clear in the midst of the digital chaos our moment.

This is a one-hour-plus video reading by Eric Francis with many other bonus materials — delivered by Monday, May 20.


Recent reviews for Eric’s Gemini readings

“I am very happy with my purchase of the Gemini report. It speaks volumes to me. I truly do appreciate the time and consideration you’ve put into it. Your work has always offered me food for thought, options to consider and clarity when needed. Thank you very much for what you do and how you present it.”

— Victoria Bouet

“What an amazing reading – a lot to take in. I confess that I found it really unsettling, to say the least, the prospect of months and months of Mars in Gemini – and the challenges, the digging, the vulnerability just never seem to end. But I think I’m already picking up on a lot of the stuff you describe  – a lot of tough family shit hitting the fan since before last Christmas… I will need to listen to this again… As always, your readings communicate so much care, love, and passion, and the desire to help us to find a way through it all – full of amazing advice and guidance.  Thank you.”

— Liz Glanville

“I finally had the perfect time to listen with full attention to the Gemini reading I purchased back when it first came out. WOW. I have so much that’s aligned with what Eric spoke of, it’s a comfort, a peace, and an inspiration to keep going.”

— D. Hollinshead