Personal Consulting with Eric Francis
Since 1995, I have worked as an astrology consultant worldwide with people from every walk of life. Readings are conducted by Zoom or telephone; for returning clients (including second session), we can work in person in Kingston, New York.
My speciality at this time is later-life career changes, particularly in the creative arts — though any field is within my practice area. I work with natal, transits and progressed charts in every reading.
I have a specialty in legal matters, the timing of corporate paperwork, and I can assist planning the dates of medical procedures. I can handle complex family situations.
All work is custom, and the scope of work is determined in a phone call. Audio or video of your reading is provided. Sessions last about 70 minutes.
A Standard Reading (one person, one chart set) is $555. An Advanced Reading (more than one person, a timing scenario, or other extra factor) is $1111. After two sessions at full rate, the returning client fee is $333 per one-hour session (within one year of the initial consults).
Please write to me for more information. After you email, you may call (845) 481-5616 with callback information and I’ll get in touch shortly. If I am traveling, you will get a reply from someone in my office.
There is additional information at this link.