Capricorn Astrology Studio 2024

This is a special edition helping you put the pieces of Pluto in Capricorn together. I will look forward, but this is mostly a review and debriefing of your experience since 2008. I will highlight key dates and take a close look at what this transit has meant. I will include a review of Chiron in Aries as well as new factors now in Capricorn that will be present well into the next decade.


Recent reviews for Eric’s Capricorn readings

“Your Capricorn reading is Right On Time for me. Cap is my Rising (Sun in Pisces) and it’s been a helluva ride. This reading – like most of your writing – gets my wheels turning with more questions.”

— Amanda

“I read my sun sign (Aquarius) as well as rising sign (Capricorn) horoscopes just now. Both resonate almost too much with who I am and the life I have been given to live. But it’s so wonderful to be “understood” by your work. Thank you always for truth-telling, and not just in the horoscopes. You are a precious gem in my life.”

— E. Metz

“My (Inner Space) reading for Capricorn is right on! Very much in alignment with what I am already experiencing in my field!”

— D. Whitaker