There have been many developments since your last birthday, and they amount to one significant idea: the fog is clearing. I will describe how this is happening in Art is Everything, your 2024-2025 Astrology Studio.

A combination of factors describes you gaining the power to see people and the world around you for what they are, to have clear conversations, and to understand the nature of your commitments.

Chiron, the healer and the awakener, continues to be highly active in your solar chart, driving your desire to succeed and helping you navigate your way through the professional challenges of the digital environment.

There’s really just one approach: to see your life and the world as a creative experience, where you are the artist.

Your Art is Everything reading will include suggestions for a deep re-evaluation of your career and vocational goals, and how they fit your life at this time. The result will be a creative adventure unlike any other.

Pre Order Cancer Astrology Studio 2024


Recent reviews for Eric’s Cancer readings

“Magnificent! Powerful! Moving!”

— Annette Cohen

“I cannot thank you enough for my amazing Cancer (written and audio) 2023 Inner Space Reading! I should be used to it by now, but was once again blown away by your stunning wisdom, insights and advice – given with such love and care, as always.”

— L. Glanville

“Wow, I am beside myself after reading my Cancer Sun & Capricorn Rising Pluto in a Strange Land readings! All of the timing and keywords you spoke of were spot on for me, especially the Community Trustee theme, as I fell into Chamber of Commerce responsibilities recently. Amazing insights and advice, thank you!”

— Lisa Moffa